Products Liability Litigation

Murphy Rosen also represents a growing list of clients in the defense of products liability litigation.

We are the counsel for all California asbestos and silica litigation for two Fortune 1000 companies. Our lawyers have extensive experience in both the law and the science and have generated an impressive track record on these cases.

For example, for one of the Fortune 1000 companies, our lawyers have represented the company for over ten years in the defense of asbestos cases. As the company did not actually manufacture or distribute asbestos-containing products but is often sued on the mistaken belief that it did, our lawyers have convinced plaintiff's counsel on numerous occasions to voluntarily dismiss the client from the case. In fact, in the over 10 years since our lawyers have been representing this client in dozens of cases, the company has never paid any money to settle even one case. We attribute this success to our straightforward and focused approach. When the client gets sued in these situations, we know what to do and we do it.